Acquisition |
Processing |
Comments |
Date: 08/05/2010 |
DeepSkyStacker |
Name: M3, Globular Star Cluster. M3 is a rich globular cluster with over a half million stars and a estimated total mass of 800,000 Suns. Seeing was poor, however I was testing the mount and guiding to overcome some problems I had been having.
Location: Greenwood - Backyard | Stacking Mode: Mosaic | |
Camera: Canon 20D - LP Filter Removed | Alignment Method: Automatic | |
Optics: Mead LX200R. | Stacking Mode: Mosaic | |
Exposure: 1600ASA @ 4 Minutes x 13 | RGB BKG Cal: Yes | |
Total Exposure: 54 Minutes | Per Channel Cal: No | |
Guiding: DSI on Skywatcher ED80 . | Method: Median Kappa-Sigma K=2/I=5 | |
Filter: Astronomik CLS-CCD | Darks: Yes (Only Three) | |
Focus: Bahtinov Mask | Flat: No | |
Full Details | ||
Position in Sky |
PhotoShop CS4 |
RA (J2000): 13h 42.4m | Levels, Colour Balance, Curves, Saturation Scaling, jpeg Conversion. | |
DEC (J2000): +28d 23min | ||
Constellation: Canes Venatici | ||
Distance: 34,170 light Years |