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Date: 16/10/2020


Name: Orion


The Orion Nebula and Running Man Nebula Messier 42 and 43. M42 is the brightest starforming, and the brightest diffuse nebula in the sky, and also one of the brightest deepsky objects of all.

Location: Watson's Way WA Stacking Mode:  Mosaic
Camera: Canon 40D - LP Filter Removed Alignment Method:  Automatic
Optics: RedCat 51 250mm 4.9L. Stacking Mode: 
Exposure: 1600ASA - xx x xxx Seconds RGB BKG Cal:  Yes
Total Exposure:  x Hours 21 Minutes. Per Channel Cal:  Yes
Guiding: None. Method: 
Filter: Darks:  No
Focus: Bahtinov Mask Flat:  No

PhotoShop CS4

RA :  Levels, Colour Balance, Curves, Saturation Scaling, jpeg Conversion.
DEC : 
Constellation:  Orion