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Date: 07/05/2009


Name: M83 - Southern Pinwheel Galaxy .


This imagine was taken whilst at Watson's Way Country Stay which is N/E of Mukinbudin in Western Australia.


M83 is one of the closets spiral galaxies and lies in the constellation Hydra.  To date six supernova explosions have been recorded in M83.


Location: Watson's Way Stacking Mode:  Mosaic.
Camera: Canon 20D - Standard Alignment Method:  Automatic
Optics: Skywatcher ED80 Stacking Mode:  Standard Mode
Exposure: 800ASA x  300 Seconds RGB BKG Cal:   Yes
Total Exposure:  20 Minutes. Per Channel Cal:   No
Guiding: DSI on Mead  LX200R. Method:   Median Kappa-Sigma (K=2, I= 5)
Filter: Astronomik  UV + IR Block Darks:   No
Focus: Bahtinov Mask Flat:   No
  Full Details

Position in Sky

PhotoShop CS4

RA (J2000):     13h 36.992m Levels, Colour Balance, Curves, Saturation Scaling, jpeg Conversion.
DEC (J2000):  -29* 51.706 '
Constellation:  Hydra
Distance:  15 Million Light Years