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Name: M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy   


This imagine was taken whilst at Watson's Way Country Stay which is N/E of Mukinbudin in Western Australia.   M51 was approx @ 9 to 5 degrees above the horizon when this image was taken, hence its relatively poor definition due to the large amount of atmosphere the light had to travel throu.


M51 is a "face-on" galaxy. M51 has a bright cental core but no stars can be resolved. The core likely contains a super massive black hole.  Of special interest is the bridge of nebulosity that links M51 to its companion galaxy, NGC 5195. 




Date: 25/04/2009 Deepskystacker: Auto Adaptive Weigthed Average.
Location: Watson's Way
Camera: Canon 20D - Standard Photoshop CS2: levels, colour balance, curves, saturation, scaling, jpeg conversion . 
Optics: Mead LX200R
Exposure: 1600ASA -9 x  604 Seconds
Total Exposure:  90 Minutes.
Guiding: DSI on Skywatcher ED80.  

Position in Sky

RA (J2000):     13h 29.880m  
DEC (J2000):  47* 12.615 '  
Constellation:  Canes Venatici  
Distance: 37 Million Light Years