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Date: 25/10/2014



 California Nebula - NGC 1499 - Distance 1,000 Light Years  

The California Nebula (NGC 1499) is an emission nebula  located in the constellation Perseus. It is so named because it appears to resemble the outline of the US State of California on long exposure photographs. It is almost 2.5° long on the sky and, because of its very low surface brightness , it is extremely difficult to observe visually. It can be observed with a Hβ filter (isolates the Hβ line at 486 nm) in a rich-field telescope under dark skies. It lies at a distance of about 1,000 light-years from Earth. Its fluorescence is due to excitation of the Hβ line in the nebula by the nearby prodigiously energetic O7 star, xi Persel (also known as Menkib, seen at center below it in the inset at right).


Location: Watson's Way Stacking Mode:  Mosaic
Camera: Canon 40D - LP Filter Removed Alignment Method:  Automatic
Optics: Sky Watcher ED80 Stacking Mode:  Mosaic
Exposure: 800ASA @  5 Minutes x 6 RGB BKG Cal:  Yes
Total Exposure:  30min Total   Per Channel Cal:  No
Guiding: DSI on Mead LX200R. Method:  Median Kappa-Sigma K=2/I=5
Filter: Darks:  Yes
Focus: Bahtinov Mask Flat:  No
  Full Details

Position in Sky

PhotoShop CS4

RA (J2000):     Levels, Colour Balance, Curves, Saturation Scaling, jpeg Conversion.
DEC (J2000): 
Constellation:  Perseus
Distance: 1,000 Light Years