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Date: 11/04/2008


Name: Centaurus A /  NGC5128 is a lenticular galaxy about 15 million light-years away in the constellation Centaurus. It is one of the closest radio galaxies to Earth. The galaxy is also the fifth brightest in the sky, making it an ideal amateur astronomy target, although the galaxy is only visible from low northern latitudes and the southern hemisphere.

A relativistic jet which extracts energy from the vicinity of what is believed to be a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy is responsible for emissions in the X-ray and radio wavelengths. By taking radio observations of the jet separated by a decade, astronomers have determined that the inner parts of the jet are moving at about one half of the speed of light. X-rays are produced farther out as the jet collides with surrounding gases resulting in the creation of highly energetic particles.

As observed in other starburst galaxies, a collision is responsible for the intense burst of star formation. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope scientists confirm that Centaurus A is going through a galaxy collision by devouring a spiral galaxy.



Click here to see position in the sky


Location: Golden Grove  WA Stacking Mode:  Standard Mode
Camera: Canon 20D - Standard Alignment Method:  Automatic
Optics: Mead LX200R Stacking Mode:  Standard Mode
Exposure: 10 x  300 Seconds. RGB BKG Cal:   
Total Exposure:  50 Minutes. Per Channel Cal:   
Guiding: DSI on Skywatcher ED80. Method:  Auto Adaptive Weigthed Average.
Filter: Astronomik Clear MC Glass Darks:  Yes
Focus: DSLR Focus Flat:  No

Position in Sky

PhotoShop CS4

RA (J2000):     13h  25.483m Levels, Colour Balance, Curves, Saturation Scaling, jpeg Conversion.
DEC (J2000):  Centaurus
Constellation:  Monoceros
Distance:  15 Million Light Years